with Al Kustanowitz


"We would like to thank you for a great presentation on Jewish Entertainers last week.
Our membership was captivated and pleased with the content, video clips, your inside stories and commentary and especially with your professionalism.
When the need arises and given that you have a whole library of presentations we will definitely be in touch to book you again.
Once again, thanks for a great lecture."
- Jo Moore, Jewish Heritage Club Lecture Chair, Bellagio, Lake Worth, FL
"I wanted to thank you so much for an outstanding program at Sunday's Shalom Club brunch. You were a major success. Multiple people raved about the presentation and I received requests from multiple individuals for your contact information."
- Jill Sandel, Riviera at East Windsor, NJ
"Al Kustanowitz spoke to our Middlesex NJ chapter of Brandeis to about 80 members and the members really enjoyed his Power Point presentation with video clips about unusual Jewish customs in remote areas of the world. We plan to have him to speak again to our members in the near future."
- Sandra Schwartz, a planner for study groups - Please call 732-698-7242 for any questions or my email brandeissandy@gmail .com.
“Al's video presentation was Jewish comedy at its best! Ya can't make these things up.”
- Debby Stepelman, Vacation Village, Loch Sheldrake, New York
“Most of the audience had no idea what they were going to experience, but once Al started his presentation, they were hooked. Laughter abounded, and a great time was had by all, no matter what their age. What a treat! Comments I received included: "very entertaining", "so different", "enjoyable", "such fun", "bring him back".”
- Esther Adelman, Temple Hesed, Scranton, Pennsylvania
“Thank you for giving a most enjoyable presentation to our Shalom Club members. Your program was well balanced with hilarious jokes that you performed, and with very funny introductions to your selection of video clips that were the-best-of-the best of famous Jewish comedians. It brought back many pleasant memories. A great time was had by all.”
- Sheila Solomon, President, Shalom Heritage Club, Monroe Township, New Jersey